Will Professional Carpet Cleaning Remove Pet Odors

post-construction cleaning services

At Brooklyn Carpets Care, we understand that pet owners often have to deal with stubborn odors. It is a common misconception that regular cleaning methods are enough. However, without professional intervention, these odors can persist. Luckily, we specialize in professional carpet cleaning, providing efficient and long-lasting solutions to your pet odor problems.

The Process

Our method involves thorough cleaning and deodorization, successfully eliminating pet odors. The procedure comprises four essential steps:

  1. Pre-inspection
  2. Deep cleaning
  3. Odor treatment
  4. Post-cleaning inspection

Detailed Table on Pet Odor Removal

Steps Description Expected Results
Pre-inspection Identify the extent of odor and stained areas. Clear mapping of the problematic areas.
Deep Cleaning Use of specialized equipment to deep clean the carpet fibers. Elimination of surface stains and dirt.
Odor Treatment Application of enzyme-based solutions to break down odor-causing substances. Significant reduction in odor.
Post-cleaning Inspection Evaluate the results and ensure satisfaction. Clean, fresh-smelling carpets.

Why Choose Our Services?

As a professional carpet cleaning company, we provide comprehensive cleaning solutions. Our team has extensive knowledge and experience in carpet care, and we’re committed to delivering top-quality service. With us, you can be assured of:

We serve a variety of areas, including but not limited to:

  • Brooklyn Heights
  • Crown Heights
  • Bushwick
  • Bedford-Stuyvesant
  • Williamsburg

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the process take?

Our professional carpet cleaning process typically takes a few hours. However, this can vary depending on the carpet size and the extent of the odor issue.

Will the cleaning process harm my pets?

Absolutely not. We use pet-safe, eco-friendly cleaning solutions to ensure the safety of your furry friends.

Do I need to vacate my home during the cleaning process?

While it’s not necessary, you might want to consider it. Our move-out cleaning service can handle everything while you’re away.

Can you also clean my rugs?

Definitely! We offer a range of rug cleaning services, including specialized care for Persian and Oriental rugs.


Having a pet shouldn’t mean you have to live with unpleasant odors. At Brooklyn Carpets Care, we offer solutions to eradicate pet odors from your carpets, ensuring a fresh, clean, and welcoming environment. Our approach combines thorough cleaning with powerful, yet pet-safe odor treatment, making us your top choice for professional carpet cleaning. Whether it’s a standard carpet or an exotic rug, we’re ready to restore freshness to your home.

Ready to eliminate those stubborn pet odors? Contact us today and experience the transformation.

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